Protected Speech: Shaping the University's Educational Mission

April 25, 2024 - 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Join us for an engaging discussion about the role of 'protected speech' in advancing the University of Pittsburgh's educational goals. Explore its impact and integration within academia. Don't miss this enlightening event featuring esteemed faculty panelists! Discover their ongoing and upcoming work funded through the University's Year of Discourse and Dialogue.

Ann Sinsheimer, School of Law — "First Amendment Rights Teach-in: A Peer-to-Peer Pilot Program to Foster a Deeper Understanding Around Rights of Expression"

JD Wright, University Center for Teaching and Learning

Jennifer Murtazashvili, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Lisa Nelson, Collaboratory Against Hate and Graduate School of Public and International Affairs


Join another insightful event, Exploring Dialogue in Higher Education: Which Conversations Matter?, where University of Pittsburgh faculty panelists discuss how we identify which conversations are most valuable in higher education. Dive deeper into this crucial topic with our esteemed experts. Register HERE.

Dial-In Information

Register to attend. You will receive an email with the Zoom webinar link. Participants must sign in with the SSO (single sign-on) option when joining the meeting using their University username and password.

Please contact for any questions. 

Thursday, April 25 at 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

 Virtual Event