Communicating Equity – webinar series

June 13, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

When communicating about equity, it is important to understand not just your immediate audience, but those who have a vested interest in your work, including those who can help push your messaging forward, and those who may need persuading to help you achieve your goals. This webinar series provides an introduction to developing effective equity messages for a variety of audiences. Topics include the importance of values and metaphors in equity messaging, communication styles, and the various types of equity messages. Participants will conduct an audience analysis to evaluate the engagement and influence of those on the receiving end of your messages. Tips for having equity conversations and models for reframing dominant narratives and addressing power dynamics will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this webinar series, participants will be able to:

  • explain the importance of values and metaphors in equity messaging;
  • describe the various types of equity messages;
  • conduct an analysis of equity audiences and frame messages accordingly; and
  • utilize tools to support the development of effective equity messages.

Dial-In Information

Log on to and sign in or create an account, then enroll in the course under "Upcoming."  You will receive an email confirmation that contains important information about the course and the Zoom link to join.